Eternal Hunting Ground
A vision quest on Wisdom The wish of them to get back their birthgrounds

The Eternal hunting Grounds
As on earth and in heaven the people
are bound by their duty to the life
they are making to the full of it.
As mother nature,
grants us a body to
fulfill our duty to the Lord Creator
As the sun gives us light
to heal our souls and to grant
as worldpeace as we deserve.
May our brothers on earth
share their life with us
to hunt for prey
to harvest for fruits and vegetables.
May our sisters on earth
share their friendship with us
for their loving care and
emotional support
May our fathers and mothers
teach us how to become adults
ourselves. and to be of profit
for our society.
May our elderly people share
our bond with earth and sun
and by governing make our
societies peacefull.
May our children give their
emotional love and to
take our lead when we are old.
May our race be among the ones
that govern earth and share the
daylight to ensure our position.
May all people under the sun,
live as in unity and share the
breath of life. Towards a future
sharing all grace with all who
are human and worth for society to live.
For our lives are in reality
and our lives as in reality
share human existence,
human appearance,
and human goals.

The Eternal hunting Grounds
The eternal hunting grounds as the
promised reward for indians to receive
the direct blessing of serving the Lord Creator.
The eternal hunting ground,
At becoming adult the deeds are counted
and only the full duty towards the
society, the reality and the Lord Creator
grants this prize.
The eternal hunting grounds,
Who chooses to step in the line
of the duty to the forefathers.
The eternal hunting grounds,
by living in reality as the
sun shines on all.
May we become adult
and become a part of the society.
May we become adult
by the quest telling us
our special animal guarding
and guiding.
May we become adult
and receive the weapon
choosen for us by the elders.
May we become adult
and receive the status
of our place in the hierarchy.
The eternal hunting grounds,
We receive the blessing of
prey, every day to feed our
mothers, fathers, children
and elders.
The eternal hunting grounds,
We daily look to the sun
and greet her as the mother
of light
The eternal hunting grounds,
We daily drink water
as the life energy of mother earth.
The eternal hunting grounds,
We greet in great esteem
the Father Lord Protector.
Who grants us life and happiness.
The eternal hunting grounds,
We greet our faith and our daily struggle
for carrying the burden of
both pain, suffer and the law
of giving meaning to life.
The eternal hunting grounds,
May we become part of
society, reality and service
to the Lord Creator.

Native Quest
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As i was a child in the home of my parents,
The soldiers fighting with eaze the
predators keeping away.
As i was a child and the food of my mother
was a daily routine, to grow into
the position of the society.
As i was a child and was learned
the borderr of adulthood is the
difference between playing and working.
Making life being serious,
without the playground of
having to care about none.
As the border of world,
is by a vision quest,
the proof of having the role in society.
As this quest tells the clan
and the tradition this child is
to be a soldier, to be a nurse,
or to be neglected.
As this quest tells the clan
and the tradition this child is
guided by the hawk, the wolf
or de lion.
As the guidance of the lion,
tells this one is clan leader,
As the guidance of the wolf,
tells this one is a soldier,
As the guidance of the hawk,
tells this one protects the clan.
For this quest was on the trail
of my life, and was the insurance
to be part of the clan and the daily work.
As this quest, when done,
all the officials and respected ones
gathered and were in clothes of worth.
As the clothes only used at special meetings.
As this quest was done,
and they told,
Neither a lion, neither a hawk,
neither a wolf, as a spirit rider
you are above.
You live with heart and soul,
making you a messenger of the gods.
May they whisper peace in your ears,
and grant you sunlight in words,
and silver in your deeds.
May thy wherever you go,
Give a message of peace,
and a blessing of all grounds.
Give message about the birthgrounds,
being our land of ancestors,
from ancient times where we were granted
the place on earth by right.
As this message is about peace,
of all species living together
as a family granting respect
to all the living and all the tradition.
For peace gives happiness.

Wisdom of the clan-leader
The Eternal hunting Grounds
I found the nature to have duty each moment
every moment after each other.
As the walk of a million miles
made by one step after each other.
I was being ordealed by the father
of the duty of daily life.
I was being ordealed by the mother
of treating all others nice.
Each day, in the morning i woke up
and greeted both sun and earth
for light and life.
Each day, in the evening i felt
satisfied with my completed task.
As i lived from being young
to being old, the peace of life
was always in my sight.
As life was each day another day
as counted to the full of life.
The clan-leader said,
do your daily job sincere
and chances are added to your life.
The clan-leader said,
do you daily job without longing for a mate,
as the Creator grants one in sight of a
sincere living job and life.
The clan-leader said,
Goodness is a word to be studied,
as its more than just one meaning.
The clan-leader said,
Virtue is a word even being in
the sight of only the gods
as being legal and just.
The clan-leader said,
Don't count days with sunlight
but count the days with the light of the soul.
The clan-leader said,
Getting old, is something happens
without the prerequisite of having worries.
The clan-leader said,
The full of life, is just one moment,
and taking it each after each other
meets the goal of life, as in own hands.
The clan-leader said,
The eternal hunting grounds,
are avaialable to all meeting this
virtues, goodness, faith, sincere duties.
The clan-leader said,
Each person not fullfilling his duty in life,
is not granted the blessing of the
eternal hunting grounds.

Wisdom of a Hopi-Girl
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As the girl was born into a family of native americans
the indian girl as her name was 'lions-cub'
translated from a different language
And she was from the hopi tribe.
She was a wise girl as she used
intuition as her guide,
and had a bond with mother Earth.
called her Goddess.
She was a wise girl saying these
Keep your attention in your heart
from being a girl or boy able
to discern life.
Serve your duty always,
to your parents, society or tradition
as one grows with merit of them all.
As one serves, one deserves,
chances, respect and status.
For a girl to be as tradition tells
a virgin lady or spokesperson of tradition
becomes a saint which ever tradiation one
belongs too.
For a girl to be as tradition tells
choose a virtue and keep for years,
as one begets the fruit of goodness
when devotion prolongs time.
The hopi girl taught the
tribe, not to seek relationship
as the gods give notice.
The hopi girl taught the
tribe, not to seek relationship
as happiness grants it spring water
for those in celibate vow.
The hopi girl taught the
tribe, the true love is with
same vows appointed,
and even at large distance
the gods give peace,
for no worries about
lifepartner, children
and all the seeking avoiding suffer.
The hopi girl taught the
tribe, The true love
one attains in heaven,
as the prize after a
long life of grace.

The Eternal hunting Grounds
As the stranger was visiting our birth grounds,
He foretold the demise of our bond with earth.
As the stranger was visiting our birth grounds,
He foretold the bond with earth would no longer exist,
As food was not given by earth but by the supermarket,
As clothing was not given by the female-indians but by the clothing store.
As the stranger foretold,
Our stories of the clan-leader, of our tradition
will vanish in the new times of technology.
As the stories of our tradition,
The hunters, the farmers, no more will they seek prey,
will they harvest for corn.
As the stranger foretold,
Our bond with earth, will no longer be special
and one of a kind, making us use intuition
making us use the information of Earth to
use our lives to be one, to be one with earth.
As many traditions, cultures, religions
have a place on this orb of humanity,
And as some know, not by weapons we will disappear
but by the use of technology, the use of greed.
For they took our gold and made it to a capital possesion.
For they took our land, and sold it at trade level.
For they took our tradition and brought us to a refugee area.
The stranger foretold,
No longer synchronicity of Earth,
we appear at the right time at the right place,
No longer our bond, our tradition.
As we were a living prosperous civilisation
and were overtaken.

Future picture
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As the native americans
The clan leaders had seen the famine
and the overpowering coming.
They had the wisdom. That one day
when the people from europe would leave
their race of indians would one day
be again on their part of the world
the homeground filled with children
girls longing for friendship
and the elderly smoking the peacepipe.
as the native americans one day
will be the leading kind again
of their original birth grounds.
As these native americans
the clan leaders, the indians
foresaw to bend is better than to be broken.
And even when all looks as being in demise
or being lost in the track of time.
Non any of their kind existing anymore
that even then the gods can from one
leave and from one flower create the
whole again.
The clan leaders, did see this wisdom,
and some of them fought for their lives,
other agreed on trade agreements,
most of them even were brought to
their refuge or sanctuary.
As these indians, all who were
adult were as we are with a job in
service for the society.
As these indians, all who were
children, were looking for their
interest in life to receive a place
being recognized by the elderly.
As these indians, all who were
elderly, with their wisdom
answered all questions, beyond
normal matters.
As these indians,
were brought to the place of
captivity, they all were in fear.
but one day their kind will
shine with their traditions.
Traditions of agriculture,
of hunting, of exchanging artifacts.
gold has no value,
power and hierarchy are
depending on wisdom and not fame.
childeren learn to fullfill
their duties and to grow in
the respect of their parents.
they saw one day they
would exist again,
their homegrounds as their property,
their traditions as genuine.
There birthgrounds for all
mature girls and boys to
be blessed with the laughter
and to be blessed with the jokes
of the small ones.
one day as a picture in the
future, their language will
be spoken again.

Wife of the Old clan leader
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As the wife of the old clanleader was in
contemplation of nature.
The wonders of the natural world,
The grass growing, the trees in the wind.
The waters ever fresh and pure,
the animals as prey every existing.
As the goal of the indian legacy.
The eternal hunting grounds,
as they hunt for deer, bison
and other animals to have food
to have clothes, to have a tent.
The wife of the old clanleader
was in contemplation of life
All people search and seek for
their destiny, and their goal in life.
As they seek happiness, peace, or fame.
As they seek, lifepartner and children,
or the fame in the eyes of the leading
council as the succesfull hunter.
The wife of the old clanleader was
in wonder about existence.
Children learning how to cope
with problems, hardship.
as well the fruits of all
good things, happiness, joy.
As they as teenagers learn
to have friendship in a genuine way.
The wife of the old clanleader was
in wonder about the lifepurpose
As this purpose to be part of
society, as earth has a total
hierarchy of all creatures.
and each creature has a life
consciousness and the soul of its
As the purpose of life is
to learn the important value
of what life means.
Some search in a path
well known by all others
others search the path
of a special kind,
as mountainclimbing
can be difficult and
not all attend.
The wife of the old clanleader
saw, as a young man or female
not searching for friendship or love
they will meet their Creator.
As all languages, know this
godhead, power, or spirit
The Creator.
The wife of the old clanleader
saw, as one abjects friendship
one has the freedom to seek
other purposes in life,
and with no bond to others
the path to realisation is free.
As obligation is by bond,
as the reward is in different ways.
as this old wife of the clan leader saw.
With a lifepartner one enters the
spiritual hierarchy, fighting
for status, territorium, life
and its needs.
One without has no place in the
hierarchy, with no fighting.
and the blessing of the
consciousness the angels and
childrens have.
As children are bound to
the responsability of their
parents.Until the age of adults.
They are not yet in hierarchy.

The old leaders
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As all wishes are bound by mindfull appearances.
As all wishes are as thoughts pretending the
goal of happiness.
As all wishes are visible or audible
by the use of a small daydream.
As we the old clan leaders
invented and designed the
life of the heartfull intents.
We saw that wishes without ground
do not give any happiness.
We saw not fullfilling the daydreams
were not violating our right to
be happy with life as it is.
We did see wishes coming and going,
and all had the form of something
to be liked to be received or
to be enjoyed as the purpose
of a small goal.
We did see abjecting wishes,
and following the flow
of the moment.
We did see, being in the moment
we did slowly turn to do everything
with the right attention, the right intention
and the right purpose.
As attention in the moment,
gives growth by learning
the right intention,
gives goodness in effect
to all deeds.
The right purpose
as in line with society.
We did see abjecting
thinking, thought and mind
abjecting daydream,
seeing things not existing,
was giving the growth
to reach the Creator.
As the old clan leaders,
advice the youth to learn
accepting the moment,
and accepting to live within
the life of reality.
As all chances come to
those being sincere in living.
As all obligation adapt
to the use of reality.
As all wisdom is understood
by those in the moment.
We learned to be sincere,
to be serious as with
the moment unfolding
we learned about
happiness of health,
and the suffering of pain.
We learned to investigate
religions as their promise
of the safe refuge.
We learned to investigate
the traditions as it gave
both effect to medical,
societal and obligatory

Animals guiding principles
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As the religions all have a set of rules
commandments or guiding principles.
The indians cannot be without some of their own.
As this voice is from a guiding spirit,
as one calles to be adult having met
their own spirit.
As all indians have a guiding spirit
made with the visible appearance
of an animal. as all animals have
their own kind of essence.
As the essence of guiding principles
is to have a lead during life.
As its called for some the difference
between being in poverty or
acquiring a state of being rich.
As its called for some the difference
making doctors of medical interest
and soldiers of those who wish to fight.
As each animal or guiding spirit
is used for their own set of rules.
As the lion, being the king of animals
are used for those who wish for being
a clan leader. as we call kings and emperors.
with their prime principle being
both bravery and rightiousness.
As the second the wolf has its
purpose in being the part of a
peck of wolves, and its guiding principles
is to be cooperative and to be part
of a greater good, or greater system.
This wolf is with the right of being
leading a clan, for its daily routine.
and the western function of being
a manager, a director, or a leading
person in both goverment, businesslife
and in culture.
As these woves are with self-dependence
and able to make choices without being
held back by insecurity they are
born leaders.
as the third is the animal the
eagle and the hawk being
animals who from far distance
see everything coming.
As they are the guiding principle
of being seen far away.
Some with the use of technology
investigating things no one still sees.
As the other is hunting from far away
prey, or to see dangers coming.
As the western function is to be
an advisor or consultant in any
field of science.
The fourth animal is the
bison or stallion,
who is the sustainer of the clan.
he is giving the cow for milk
the cow for meat, as its prime
function to give food and to
do the daily work as a normal
The fifth animal is the
horse or the riding animal
as its the instrument to
have long distances.
as its in western function
the employee who is having
the long sight of the hawk
and the work of those doing
long distance work.
in western doing communication
doing logistics, doing trade level
The sixt animal is the coyote
doing all with finances,
either trading finance,
either coping with financial issues
as the western function
with money, bank accounts,
trading effects. giving loans
like for houses or special care.

Homeground of Natives
The Eternal hunting Grounds
Moge de indianen hun land terugkrijgen
As the indians lived at the continent of America for
a thousand years or longer.
As they had several types of living,
being hunter, being agriculture, being roaming.
As the Indians had no technology and no science.
as the voice of an old wiseman said,
In the far past we had a thriving civilisation
of all types of technology but the earth became
depleted, stressed and had the burden of all
technology so the indians promised to live on the land
in a natural way.
As the indians the native americans lived
for thousand of years holding this oath
to live by nature and give earth the rest
to restore her earth spheres.
As a region of nature after long time
gives the peacefull and tranquil feelings
to all its inhabitants.
As the indians, lived at the surface and
held their oath to eat what earth gives
and to use the materials the earth granted.
As to hunt for animals and use the skin
for their tents and houses.
As to grow crops to use as agriculture
and only use their own hands without
the mechanic and other kind of tools.
As to live on the surface,
and serve earth to use only the natural
As the natives, the indians,
lost their birthgrounds
to the people of the european
continent, who demanded
america to their newly found land.
As the people of europe had no
oath or obligation to earth
and started to civilise america.
As the small whisper of a man
to have indians the natives
to receive back their birthgrounds,
to live protected with their obligation
to heal earth, and to keep natural at living.
As the small whisper to have the natives
receive bakc their home.
as well their way of living,
and their cultures.

Obligation of the Clanleaders
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As all indian tribes,
the native americans in their homeground.
As all indian tribes choose a
clan leader to attend all questions
to regulate all belongings,
jobfunctions and the all social things.
As all clan leaders stand out
for their wisdom, their goodness
and to be of support for their citiznes.
As some clans are small a few hundred,
others are a few thousand,
and some are a few millions.
As all choose their clan leaders.
As for a clan leader to begin its
function is a small ritual
to be among the elders and to
smoke the peace pipe,
not with nicotine or tabacco
but a mixture of herbs and coals.
As the small ritual is being completed
the new clan leader promise to do
his job with goodness, wisdom, and virtue.
As those three are the main intent of living.
As the small ritual is completed,
the clan leaders in their local language
say they surrender.
Not surrendering to a Godhead, angel,
but just as they say:
I surrender.
As some fold their hands as in prayer position
As in their view by surrender
they say to serve the ground of reality.

The Eternal hunting Grounds
As for the native americans, the indians.
Thye have their life and share it with their beloved
As they share their life, and fullfill
there obligation of life.
As life can be simple, or with earthly hardship
they all live.
As they start the day with greeting the Sun,
Thank you for your light in which we walk.
Thank you for light in our eyes to discern life.
thank you for light to give us joy in our spirits.
As they start the day with greeting earth,
Thank you for giving us daily our needs.
Thank you for giving water to wash and to drink
Thank you for giving earth, at which we live.
As thank you Earth forgiving food,
by the hunt or by the herbs.
As indians start the day greeting,
and end the day with expressing their
satisfaction with the day.
As the day gave its blessings.
As for the children to play,
as for the women to have their husbands,
as for the men to protect and to serve
their friends.
As the indians bless their lives
as each month they thank for the period
to spend with loved ones,
to eat what the earht gives them
as the blessing to be with happiness.
As the indians bless their lives,
as each year they thank for the newborn children,
as each year they thank for the children becoming adult.
As to be blessed.
As the indians express their feeling
to be blessed with life.

Their spiritual belief
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As the indians, called the natives are in America
a group of people still in poverty
or in jobs of lower kind.
Their belief a couple of centuries ago
was still to be as basic hunters, agriculture
and other means of roaming for deers and other animals
as they used the skins for their clothing
and the old skins for their famous wigwam
and other kind of tents.
As the children were free to play
and the adults everyday were
busy with coping daily struggly
as their existence was most of time
basic to survive.
As they were spiritual in a
different kind of sense
they believed the sun and the earth
had a soul as well, as being the
sungod and the earthgoddess
as some tribes gave names
others did not,
as they looked at the sun and
thanked Him for sustaining them
As well they sipped water
and washed themselves and said
earth as goddess thank you
for sustaining us with food
and clean water.
As some tribes had the belief
to see the sun god and the earthgoddess
as real gods and goddesses
and as well sent their prayers upward
while looking at the sun.
as their prayers also sometimes
had the form as,
Oh sun God i surrender to you and
Oh earth goddess i surrender to you
as today in our belief the sun
and the earth are not anymore regarded
as gods or goddesses
as we learn to address the Lord most High
Jesus Christ and the hindu gods
as prayers.
But yet, the natives in their time
found that kind of spirituality
and if they would have been happy with it
why not. as we all say to respect others.
As a small article on their spiritual belief.
May those indians or natives who think
the sun and earth are important
still give their prayers to it.
although most of the world does not
see any kind of meaning in it.

Soul Type, guiding principle
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As all humans in a life before,
one or longer ago are with a human
soul in a animal life.
As this animal life proofs the
soul and its type as character.
As all people use their powers
in a different way and use
a kind of animal type as their
prime action methods.
For example a cheetah
can run very fast, but
after running is extremely tired
For example a lion
protects his territory and
copes with direct force.
As all people have a character type
a soul charactertype its bound
to an animal type.
As all animals in nature are
not evil, as their body depicts
their function.
as animal types in humans
are not evil or good
as the soul supercedes
and by religious mercy can
trancend this type.
As a cheetah as human
is straight to the goal
and with its direct central insight
immediately know the meaning
within a situation.
As the lion is said only
those of royal blood have
its type. as the proverb
the lion is king of animals.
As an animal type is mostly found
if one gives attention to its
As all animals in nature
are not evil,
at humanlevel its not
about vice and evil,
but the method of
coping with life.
as lions are kings,
they above law always
reign with dignity.
as cheetahs are at
spiritual level
straight running for the goal.
As a religious goal,
the cheetah runs to
the prayer to surrender
to the Lord most High.
As when people has been
a human before and would
have been kings,
they have the soultype
but as they have no function of king
they are subservient to
the country they live in.
As they have been king in a life
before, they in heaven have the choice
when to take a human life,
as they ask the Lord most High
As a cheeatah surrenders to the Lord most High
and asks for the protection of lions

The Eternal hunting Grounds
Indianen hadden een volwassen inwijding ritueel
een manier om jongeren in te wijden dat zij
bij de samenleving een plaats hadden
en ze een functie in de orde en hierarchie kregen.
Samen met dit ritueel was de intuitie belangrijk
Zij konden door het ritueel contact krijgen
met hun gevoel, hun hart, hun intuitie.
Door tijdens de inwijding ook een krachtdier
aan te nemen, ze zowel hun gevoel
konden volgen, uitspreken en vertrouwen
en door een krachtdier die zich
soms in de omgeving liet zien
een manier van communicatie aannemen.
De intuitie die bij ieder mens informatie geeft
met een verscheidenheid aan grondvormen
en informatiegebaseerde doelstelling
noem de ene die informatie over belangen krijgt
de ander over personen.
Ze allemaal gelijkwaardig zijn immers de intuitie
behartigt ook de levenstaak.
Het krachtdier was dan om soms te duiden
dat informatie betrekking had op een gebeurtenis.
Door het inwijdingsritueel was het een koppeling
van het vertrouwen op de eigen intuitie
samen met een volledige plaats innemen in
de samenleving.
Door het een aantal onderdelen en kenmerken
mee te geven was het voor indianen een
afgeronde manier om de jongeren een volledige
functie te geven in zowel de samenleving
als dat ze niet meer gedeeltelijk
afhankelijk waren van ouders, en ouderen
en de ordehandhaving.
De intuitie was dus bij indianen al
heel belangrijk en door een ritueel
te koppelen aan interne en externe factoren
waren zij in staat het een levensbasis
mee te geven.
Het krachtdier, daarvan wisten zij
dat iedere jongere of een voorkeur heeft
of open staat voor een aanvulling.
Immers een krachtdier is niet altijd
zichtbaar, en grijpt soms bij specifieke
oorzaken in.
De intuitie was dan een expertise die
bij hen heel gewoon was en gekoppeld
aan structuren in de samenleving.

Tradition as christian and folklore
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As the indans were known at the continent
of america, as being the populalation
as the means of life were in connection
to mother Earth, and their daily life
of having hunting, agriculture
and the use of traditional methods of living.
As the indians,
some were wealthy as the use of gold
was known at them,
as others were depending on means
as hunting or simple agrculutre.
As we give them names as Tradition
and their connection by their elderly people
as they hold a tradition with language
different than our western society.
and used tools, art and craftmanship
in a different means than us.
As we know virgen de gaudeloupe being
a indian saintly female
as she turned christian
and even madem any indians
embrace the christian
As saint virgen de gaudeloupe
still has a place in the land
she lived,
and many people go to her
spot on the region she still
has a church dedicated to
her living kind of mercy.
Virgen the Gaudeloupe is
an example that tradition
indian tradition
and modern religion
gets a connection to each other
As the proverb
as even one of tradition
has a place in the religion
than the whole population
is confirmed valid.
As virgen the gaudeloupe
holds the christian
mercy of being part of her
they and her population
are regarded as valid in
the modern eye of religion.
As this rule is an example
for times, centuries,
but all regions as with
their traditions.
As the exampl of mathematics,
as a single calculation
can be basis of a science
and having the calculation
means the result of science
is legitimate
even one having from tradition
the use of a modern religion
can make a population valid.
As in the time of Virgen
the Gaudeloupe she turned
many indians to the christian mercy
and she still turns people visiting
her place,
as some say i have been visibly
changed in my life by visiting her place
she is a saint with in heaven
the function.
As all traditions have
the ability to actively seek
the mercy of a religion
they all can be valid as
even one of them would
accept mercy.
As we in christian religion
as the rightiousness of the Lord
as one of the values of faith.
So by her turning to christian mercy
she made her tradition of indian
living made valid.

arrangements of the old clan leaders
The Eternal hunting Grounds
As i spoke with an old clan leader
they said we have no money not any financial system
As when our hunters come with food and animals
we share it all together and the unwritten rule
how its divided and given is as a natural rule
As when our huts are with fault,
we have the rule that strong and precise
clan members repair it.
and when we have a poor and sick one
we give and share amulet, and herbs
in a small pocket for their
and when uncommon events arise
we as old clan leaders can decide
over all matters and even
appoint where it would normally
not be possible to arrange
as our old clan leaders
can decide all matters in the
group and even the strong
hunters have to comply.
As when a trophy would be
given to a poor and weak
person, the clan leader
says and its
even that the strong members
of the clan follow the leader
as well to be submissive to
that leader.
As a small society of indians
and their method of living
as well how to behave in
a community is guided
by the interest of a clan leader
As the leader is old,
and is in his discernment
as seeing and knowing all
they all in reverence
follow his commands.
As sometimes a favor
is to be given to the right one
other times a medicine
very high standard is given
not to the toughest
but to a weak member
sometimes the trophy of
a bears head is given
to someone at that moment
not having a good life.
As the old clan leader
decides over all matters
as naturally for all
its habitants to follow.